Subject: HELPER: VideoMail Pro Author: Darald Trinka ( Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 3/9/1996 File: VideoMail Pro.sit (372259 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 707 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC; Video Input Device Needs: Adobe Acrobat Reader for Documentation Keywords: MIME VIDEO MAIL TYPE: Demo Version of Shareware Application LIBRARY: IC/Helper Apps/Mac --------------------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: MIME VIDEO MAIL Author's Description: VideoMail Pro, E-Mail's Third Dimension E-mail you can see! Boy, will my girlfriend be surprised to see me. CyberSpace is cool, you can meet people from all over the world. But you know, I always pictured you with brown hair... Hey, its hard to mistake sarcasm when I can see and hear you. VideoMail Pro, E-Mail's You Can See VideoMail Pro allows you to record short audio/video messages and send them to one or more people. VideoMail Pro lets you can compose messages while others are being sent in the background. VideoMail Pro includes an integrated full featured audio/video recorder. VideoMail Pro generates cross-platform readable messages. VideoMail Pro is accelerated for the PowerMacintosh. Mail messages are fully MIME complaint. Have you seen your friends today? For more information on VideoMail Pro go to: --------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses